Developing ingredients being able to activate well-being signaling pathways in sensory neurons can not only improve the feeling and comfort of people but also counteract deleterious effect of chronic stress.
Recent years have seen the emergence of considering the negative impact of stress on our overall health but also more particularly on that of our skin. Indeed, chronic stress leads to the release of molecules into our skin and these molecules have deleterious effects on the physiology of the skin and on the peripheral nervous system. It favorize the emerging of pathogenesis such as sensitive skin.
In the peripheral nervous system, the signaling pathways of well-being and stress being contradictory, developing products targeting the signaling pathways of well-being can therefore make it possible both to improve the sensations themselves but also to reduce the harmful effects of stress skin.
Furthermore, knowing that the skin is the organ with the largest surface of the human body, the interest of developing products that can act on it to bring appeasement and a sensation of well-being appears obvious.
Neuron Experts has developed in vitro models allowing to study the ability of ingredients to counteract deleterious effects of stress on the skin and/or improve the well-being sensation.
Cell System
- Humans iPS derived sensory neurons + skin cells (keratinocytes…)
- Humans iPS derived sensory neurons + reconstructed epidermis (StratiCELL)
Models of activation
- Receptors expression / colocalization

Human sensory neuron in coculture whit keratinocytes, Green: β-tubulin; Blue: DAPI; White: μ-opioid (MOR)
- Well-being hormones release assay in the skin (oxytocin, dopamine...)